If you are feeling suicidal please dial 911, visit your nearest emergency room, or call the Suicide Prevention Center, 24 Hour Crisis line: (877) 727-4747

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

National Child Abuse Hotline

Teens Helping Teens

National Domestic Violence Hotline

LA County Domestic Violence Safety Plan

Alcoholics Anonymous

Al Anon

Co-Dependents Anonymous

Crisis Intervention for LGBTQ

Eating Disorders Referral Service

Anxiety and Depression Association of America

Ventura County Rescue Mission 

Elder Abuse: (800) 992-1660 
Teen Help: (714) 639-8336 
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): (800) 950-6264 
Suicide: (800) 273-8255
Rape: (800) 300-2181

Crisis Hotlines & Resources